Home Movie Day

Home Movie Day is a celebration of amateur films and filmmaking held annually at many local venues worldwide. Home Movie Day events provide the opportunity for individuals and families to see and share their own home movies with an audience of their community, and to see their neighbours’ in turn. It’s a chance to discover why to care about these films and to learn how best to care for them.
When? October 21st, 2017 (date may vary, for more info click on the link below).
The complete list of events can be found on the Center for Home Movies website.
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage has become a key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honour audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that help to safeguard this heritage for future generations despite the many technical, political, social, financial, and other factors that threaten its survival. Audiovisual archives around the world join together annually on 27 October to celebrate their work with activities and events that not only highlight the vulnerability of this heritage, but also celebrate the often unheralded work of the heritage institutions that protect it.
This year the theme of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is “Discover, Remember and Share“.
When? October 27th, 2017 (date may vary, for more info click on the link below).
The complete list of events can be found on the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations website.
For more events related to audiovisual and film archiving, please visit our Calendar.
Photo credit: Airscreen auf dem James Dean Festival in Marion, Indiana, USA, 2005